5 Reasons To Invest In Corporate Video Production

corporate video production

Gone are the days when video production was considered a luxury. Over the past decade, video has proven that it's an important staple in any company's digital marketing strategy. In fact, 85% of businesses use videos to help them market their company. In this blog, learn about the benefits and uses of corporate video production and review tips to help you ensure your corporate video is a success.

Types of corporate videos

Corporate video production refers to any video that has been commissioned by and paid for by a business, company, or organization. There are many types and uses of corporate videos:


Excellent reviews are crucial to legitimizing a company's products and services which is why testimonial videos are both popular and successful. Potential customers want to know that other people have enjoyed their experience with a business and would recommend it to other people. Everyone can toot their own horn, but having real customers talk about what they love most about your company or how your company has solved their problems is priceless.

Tutorials or explainer videos

These types of videos are extremely popular on YouTube and there's a simple reason why: they offer tremendous value to the viewer. The key is to have a video created that addresses a popular query or problem your target audience has. For example, if you own a company that rents snowshoes, a valuable video for your clients would describe how to choose the right snowshoes. Viewers will be thrilled that your video will help them solve the issue of not knowing how to pick the best snowshoes and at the same time, you'll be establishing yourself as an authority figure in the snowshoe world. 


Demonstration videos are particularly useful if you're a company that has a product that could use a demonstration. For example, if you sell strollers, potential customers would benefit from a video that shows them all the features of the stroller. It's great if you have listed on your site that your stroller is foldable, but how does it fold? How big is it once it's folded? Can you fold it while holding a baby in one arm? A video is the absolute best way to demonstrate your product and allow people to visualize themselves with your product. If customers can see themselves owning your products, they are a lot more likely to purchase them. 

Product or service launch

If you've launched a new product or service, you want to get the news out on every platform. With a video, you can use it on social media, in blogs, on your website, in newsletters, in ads – the possibilities are endless. Videos are one of the most engaging forms of marketing. How many times have you seen a burger commercial and then instantly wanted a burger? You want the same thing to happen to people when they watch your videos. A video will get people excited about your new product, capture their attention, and most importantly, keep it, making them remember your product. 

Internal communications

Communicating with your employees doesn't have to be a bore. Many companies are creating videos to connect with their employees and ensure their important messages hit home. For example, many companies created new policies during the COVID-19 pandemic to explain how employees could safely return to work and what steps would be taken to ensure their safety. Instead of releasing a large document package explaining the new protocols, video allows employees to view their actual workplace, and see the protocols in action. That new one-way system around the office is a lot easier to show in a few seconds of video compared to the amount of text required to explain it. If employees can visualize a new protocol, it's going to stick a lot better than reading it on paper. 

Company news and events 

Using video to highlight company news and events is a great way to create buzz while getting your message across. These videos can be used on your social media accounts, in newsletters, and on your website, making them very multifunctional.


Promotional videos are used to advertise your business and can help new and existing customers get to know your company and what you have to offer. Putting a face, or multiple faces, to a company can really help potential customers connect with your business. For example, a family-owned restaurant could have a video created to discuss their story: who they are, why they started their restaurant, how they create their menus, and how they are different from other restaurants. Humans love connection and connection leads to trust. If people trust your products and services, they will be more likely to purchase. 


Video presentations are a great way to showcase your company regardless of whether you want to highlight your mission, your employees, your products, or your services. These videos come in handy during trade shows, or when you're pitching your products or services to stakeholders. Videos used during presentations are memorable and make your company stand out among your competitors. 

Corporate social responsibility 

These videos are a great way for companies to show – not just tell – their audiences how they self-regulate and take social accountability for their business. Whether a company is donating money to an organization, sending supplies to those in need, or committing to offset their carbon footprint, video can bring any of these projects to life. 

Training videos

Instructor-based training is timely and costly. Instructors will often travel to a company's location and provide training over the course of a few days. This training may be used to bring employees up to date on new company software, provide them with certifications such as First Aid and CPR, or inform them about new company policies. Instructor-based training has its disadvantages for both employees and employers. Employers spend a big chunk of money for each session and if the training needs to be repeated, or a new group of employees needs the training, the spending begins again. For employees, the training happens only once, so if the information didn't stick, they're out of luck. Using video for training purposes is a solution to this issue. Employers only pay once, and the training videos can be used for years to come. Instead of training in office, employees can learn at their own pace, anytime, anywhere. Video also increases retention so employees will actually remember what they learned.

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5 Reasons to Invest

1. High retention.

Most people prefer video over text. It captures their attention and is overall more engaging. With video, a high volume of information can be passed on to the viewers in a short amount of time. Viewers claim to retain 95% of a message that is conveyed through video, compared to only 10% through text. This difference is significant. From a marketing standpoint, you want to spend your time and money on efforts that will make the most difference. Whether you want to promote your products or inform your employees of a new company policy – video is the best way to ensure they will actually retain the information.

2. Accessibility.

Videos can be viewed anytime, anywhere, on any device. And as a bonus – they are easily shared. This means that videos create more opportunities for you to reach more customers. Essentially, you're casting a wide net, allowing more people to learn about your company and its products and services. The more people you reach, the higher your chances are of converting those viewers into customers. 

3. Drives purchase behaviour. 

There is no doubt about the fact that videos evoke emotion in its viewers. Whether that viewer experiences happiness, interest, excitement, or humour – emotion leads viewers to feel connected with a brand and that connection makes them more likely to purchase.

4. Increased traffic.

If you’re wondering how to drive traffic to your site, video is one of the answers. Videos improve both the amount and quality of website traffic. The reason being is that videos increase session time. If a viewer clicks on a video on your website, they are spending more time on your site than if you didn't have a video. By clicking on a video, they are also engaging with your website. Both of these are important cues that Google reads when assessing the quality and usefulness of your website. 

5. Excellent ROI.

When it comes to marketing, video consistently proves it has a high return on investment. It increases engagement, click-through-rates, conversions, and sales. Videos are also multifunctional. One video can be embedded into a blog, used in an email newsletter, posted to social media, or hosted on your homepage.

What makes a good corporate video?

Not all videos are created equally. To ensure your video is a success, follow these tips:

Have a purpose.

Before you invest in corporate video production, it's important to first understand your purpose. What are you trying to accomplish with this video? Are you trying to boost brand awareness? Do you want to build your audience's connection to your business? Are you hoping to generate sales? The same way you would match one ad to one marketing goal, always assign one video for each of your marketing goals. For example, if you want people to sign up for your newsletter, create a video with the sole purpose of achieving that goal. If your goal is to advertise a new store location, create a separate video to meet that goal. 

Consider your audience. 

Next, you want to think about your audience. Who is your target customer? What type of video would appeal to them? For example, if you sell video games, your main target audience may be young people between the ages of 13-25. This group of people may be more interested in a short teaser video showcasing a new game instead of a 10-minute interview where you discuss your company's mission and values.

Ensure your video is professional.

Video quality is an important factor in corporate video success. As a company, every single piece of information you release is a direct reflection of your company's quality. A shaky, out of focus video will turn off potential customers the same way an email full of typos will. For this reason, it's important to hire a videographer with the skill and equipment necessary to create high-quality videos that will showcase your company in its absolute best light. 

Build brand awareness.

Successful businesses know the importance of branding. They advertise their branding on their website, in blogs, in emails, ads, and on their social media pages. From colour, to text, to logos and catchphrases – your branding helps make your company memorable and helps people associate the way something sounds and looks with your business. Video is also an opportunity to build on that brand awareness and expand it. Make sure your video incorporates your company's unique branding. Always include your jingle, animation, logos, colours, text etc. 

Include your call to action.

There is nothing worse than seeing an excellent video end without a call to action. Don't assume your viewers know what you want them to do, and even if they do, it's essential for you to make the process as easy as possible. People are more likely to take action if that action is right in front of them. If they have to look for it, they won't bother and you'll have lost a customer simply because you didn't make the process convenient enough for them. If you want your viewers to sign up for your newsletter, include a link and email address in both the video and description of the video. If you want people to subscribe to your YouTube channel, show them the subscribe button, mention it in your video, and add a reminder in the video's description. 

Promote your video. 

Once you've received your video from your videographer, it's advertising and distribution time. Your video isn't going to promote itself so it's essential to market your video everywhere to increase your video's reach. Sometimes, companies forget this crucial step and have a well-crafted video that no one has ever seen. Don't make that mistake. Post your new video on all of your social media platforms, ask your employees to share it on Linkedin, include it in your email newsletter and put it in the news section of your website. Ask people to like, share, and leave a comment on your video to increase the video's engagement and reach. If your video is hosted on YouTube – all of these factors are essential to help your video rank better, and in turn, be seen more often. 

Would you like us to create videos for your business?

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